Our Responses

Q: Why do Bulldogs cost so much?

This is a breed that typically requires a c-section to deliver the puppies. It also requires constant monitoring of the bitch when she feeds the puppies (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). There is a great deal of time and money involved in getting a bitch ready for breeding, having her bred, having a successful delivery and raising a litter to 8 weeks. Without going into too much detail, it can cost $2000-$3000 to breed, deliver and raise a litter. Of course, this is an out-of-pocket expense, without consideration for the time you will have to invest. Small litters of 2-4 puppies are not uncommon.

Q. Do Bulldogs really need C-Sections?

Yes. Over 90% of deliveries are by C-section. Some advancements are being made in free-whelping, but you should never attempt a free-whelp without participation of a veterinarian who has extensive experience with this breed. To attempt a free-whelp on your own could result in the death of your female and all of her puppies.

Q. What is the oldest age a Bulldog has reached?

There are some known at 15, 16, 17, and even an 18 year old. The average life span is 10. A good diet, exercise, regular vet visits, and comfortable living conditions can help increase this time.

How long will a heat cycle last?

Usually around 3 weeks, start to finish.

Q. Can I own a Bulldog if I live where the temperatures get very hot or cold?

Yes, just make adjustments for the conditions. Make sure your Bulldog doesn't overheat and always has plenty of fresh clean water. Bulldogs should always be "indoor" dogs, and require air-conditioning where summer temperatures rise above 80 degrees.

Q. Should I get a male or female?

This is purely a personal preference. Each has a fan club to sing the praises of that gender's affection, intelligence and trainability.

Q. Is a Bulldog a good family pet?

Absolutely! The Bulldog is gentle, loving, and sociable. (However, a Bulldog's bulk, combined with joyful enthusiasm, would cause a family to be watchful that the Bulldog doesn't knock over their small children.) Once you've had a Bulldog, your home will not be complete without one!